Moving on is not easy.....

Life throws unexpected curveballs at you constantly. I have been in my hometown area for 20 years now and I have always felt something pulling at me to move away from here. So finally, everything fell into place to allow me to do so. This will NOT be an easy transition, but what transition is easy? I am so excited to decide to take the leap as a travel photographer. The big question is “where will you go”, the answer: Who Knows? But I think the unknown is actually what holds all of the answers. How will you ever know what you are capable of if you sit still and let life pass you by? FINALLY, it is my turn to throw all of the things that have been holding me back into the wind. I am letting the universe and my gut push me into the direction I am supposed to go. Of course, confusion and vulnerability will sink in and challenge me more than I have ever been challenged. BUT, what is life if you are not challenged. I cannot wait to see what this future holds and I am grateful that I have the ability to do these things. I will do great things regardless.

Sometimes you just have to wear your blind fold and trust fall into the life that you want to live.
